Crossforum theatre of democracy - development challenges

Michael Allan mike at
Mon Aug 23 15:58:12 EDT 2010

 3. Design the visual layout of the navigable tree...  Requirements
    (soft at this point) are:

Additional requirements for this:

    h) Decorate nodes (and/or node groups) with additional variable
       information.  The particular type of information to display
       will depend on user choice, so the visual format should be
       generalizeable.  The data may update sporadically and the
       updates may be independent from node to node.

       Example of visual format: text and/or embedded images.  You
       would then define the placement of the visual, its background,
       and any dynamic effects associated with the updates.

       The default type of information will probably be the intensity
       of group discussion (rate of posts) per node group.  This might
       be shown (for example) as a weighted moving average (numeric)
       together with a brief history of temporal variation

    i) Spotlight the action location(s) for the current frame of the
       frame sequencer, as planned here:

       Define therefore how a node (or nodes, or node groups) may be
       temporarily spotlighted in the tree.  When multiple nodes are
       involved, the spotlighting must be distinguishable between the
       two (e.g. colourized).  Similar distinguishing markup will be
       added to the frame content in the sequencer.

       Examples: If the frame summarizes a message that was posted to
       a discussion thread, then the poster's node in the tree would
       be spotlighted.  If the message also contained a diff, then a
       second user's node would be spotlighted in a different colour

Michael Allan

Toronto, +1 647-436-4521

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