Some comments

David Hilvert dhilvert at
Fri Jul 17 14:39:56 EDT 2009

On Fri, 17 Jul 2009 14:25:35 -0400
Michael Allan <mike at> wrote:

> Yes, I agree.  We'll need a link to the position draft for each
> voter/delegate/candidate in the cascade, so we can compare the text
> between various parts of the cascade, or between cascades.  Maybe the
> linkage will be modal too, so we can switch it to navigate among other
> types of pages (wiki user pages, pollserver registrations, and so
> forth) not just position drafts.

As one starting point in the area of collaborative draft commenting systems, it
might be worthwhile to examine stet, which has been used in drafting of the
FSF's recently updated licenses:

This might serve as a better approach to discussing existing proposals than the
separate discussion-page approach typically used in wikis today.

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