web interface

Michael Allan mike at zelea.com
Fri Feb 27 10:41:55 EST 2009

(I need to improve the Votorola manual, on this one.)

The context file (item 4.2, maina.xml) must go in the context
directory, the one Tomcat calls:


That context directory is explained here (this is worth reading):


Probably, for you, it is:

> *demichild:~$ ls /usr/local/tomcat/work/Catalina/localhost*/
> _  docs  examples  host-manager  maina.xml  manager

(I would instead have expected the context files there, to be named:

     docs.xml  examples.xml  host-manager.xml, ...

 But maybe the '.xml' is optional?)

I recommend:

  1. Remove maina.xml (Votorola) from the context directory, so
     everything is plain vanilla, like out of the box.

  2. Run Tomcat.

     The 'docs' and 'examples' apps (etc.)  should work fine.

  3. Now remove the context files for the 'docs' and 'examples' apps,
     and re-run Tomcat.

     Those apps should no longer be available.  (This proves that the
     context directory is where the apps are defined.)

  4. Now add maina.xml (Votorola) to the context dir, and re-run

     If it does not work, look in the logs, and see what the error is.
     Usually (but not always!) Tomcat reports errors.

     Be careful about file permissions.  Tomcat must be able to read
     the context file, *and* the docBase it points to.

> *demichild:~$ ls /usr/local/tomcat/*
> bin  conf  lib  LICENSE  logs  NOTICE  RELEASE-NOTES  RUNNING.txt  temp

Logs are here ------------ ^^^^

Try that, see if it works.


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